Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Entry the Third


More pics on the Flickr account.

The Biscuit Eater! And it's sideways! I laugh! Hahahaha!

So the bus back to Halifax leaves at 10:35 am daily, eh? And that's when the last workshop started. I didn't want to miss the last workshop, no sir, so I decided to quest after the announcements lady, Wendy, to see if she could ask the crowd if anyone could give me a ride back to Halifax afterwards. Alas, Wendy got a Holy Spirit sledgehammer last evening, like one of those things you never really forget. No way I wanted to interrupt that. Therefore, I gave her the announcement this morning, but the morning worship etc. just wasn't looking like it was going to wrap up in time for me to catch the bus if I had to. I don't know if you could really call it an anxiety attack, but I was sitting there, could hardly breathe, felt nauseated, wanted to bolt out of the gymnasium and run headlong to the bus stop/gas station.

Definitely an attack of some kind, I decided. We've been going on practically the whole conference about how God provides, so I sat tight and focused on the moment some more and attempted to avoid hyperventilating. My mind was free enough, at least, to be able to focus on some of the proceedings as well as wonder why on earth this was happening to me. I'm not really anxious like that by nature at all... I tend to dwell on things and worry, but getting worked up like this... So I just decided to hang in there. Wendy almost forgot to make the announcement, so I waved my hands in the air until she saw me and remembered. Someone a few rows back responded right away, and so I'm going to meet them at the Tim's in town at 3:00. Honestly. I had nothing to worry about at all and I knew that perfectly well. Perhaps it was just a mini-test of seeing how much of my reliance I could transfer over to God in the space of a moment. It's a lot easier for things like money for school and issues that are distant in the future; this one sneaked up on me and bit down hard.

Done a lot of drawing... dallying... musing... although I didn't get quite so much time to do nothing in particular as I would have liked, but that's all right. I had enough, considering. All in all, this conference was organised very well. Surprisingly well. Everything ran so smoothly... the admin people must have loved to see that all of their hard work paid off. Also, there was sort of a send-off for Gary and Joy Best, as they're taking a four or five month sabbatical now.

Oh, and if you (whomever you may be) ever get the chance to hear Mike Pilavachi speak, go. The man is an absolute riot.

Now... I feel sleepy... but I got a good sleep last night. I would have slept right through except for the one fifteen-minute interruption. That thunderstorm was LOUD. You can always tell when the lightning's right above you when you hear the sort of sound that's like a combination of thick river ice breaking with a gunshot... not too many muffled, rolling booms of thunder in comparison. That shut the crows up. Heh heh heh. As I wasn't tenting like some others (which must have been somewhat nasty), I lay there and loved it for all the quarter of an hour that I was awake. Oh, and today's breakfast was french toast, made with a heavy, almost Easter-type orange bread. I mean orangy in colour, and with the flavour as well. We had it with strawberries. I want more now... so gooooood...




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