Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Entry the Fourth

I made it just fine to the airport after all. Clearly, Jason & Judy (the couple who offered me a lift) have an awesomeness to be reckoned with. I found out on the way that they like Star Wars, love Lord of the Rings, and while Judy has her reservations (from the plague of over-quotation), Jason does like Monty Python as well. We had a nice little geek-off on the way to the airport, and I told them the bad joke about the lawyer and his Lexus. They left me with their email address and phone number (home as well as cell, just in case I had plane trouble), and told me I should feel free to drop by whenever I'm in Mississauga next. Well, Toronto, I guess, but the Toronto airport is actually in Mississauga (they said they lived an hour away from the airport). But honestly, who's to know? Apart from the roadsigns, I'd have no idea I was driving from one city to the next in southern Ontario. It's all one big suburb... I told them I'd see if I had time to water their plants during my layover.

So here I am at this hotspot, where the service company Aliant seems to be making a very big deal that they're offering/sponsoring it. Or something to that effect. They even made my browser start up on a nice little page that warned me I might be offensive content on the internet, but said content would certainly not have any connections whatsoever with Aliant. Whew. Glad they made that clear.

The highways around here are really badly marked for the most part... it's all so confusing with the lack of signs and the twisting roads, though most of the ones I passed over today were in fact better than most I regularly travel on in MB, despite my earlier comment. Also, Halifax's airport seems bigger this time, but I still have my doubts it's bigger than Winnipeg's. Everyone in NS has been so nice, though... I don't really want to leave. Sure, I won't mind being back home, but I felt more at home in Mahone Bay as soon as I got there than I can regularly remember feeling back in my actual hometown. It was suggested to me that this was an effect of the conference, which I might have considered if it wasn't for the fact that I very rarely feel at home during any conference; quite the contrary, really.

Oh, and this is also my big opportunity to look like a yuppie, typing away on my PowerBook with an iced mocha from Starbucks. But seriously, there was a Starbucks right beside my gate. What was I supposed to do in this heat? Bwahahaha. I guess this would make me a mock-yuppie geek. It's somewhat fun...

Boarding starts in... lessee... about 10-15 minutes. So I guess I'll pack up in a little while. Looks like I'm going to be on a larger plane this time; I checked out the seating plans on the electronic check-in thingie, and unlike the last plane which had two columns of double seats, the first one has the two columns of two with a column of three down the middle. I can't remember the last plane that size I was on, if I ever was at all. But a plane's a plane, and it doesn't really make that big of a difference.


Entry the Third


More pics on the Flickr account.

The Biscuit Eater! And it's sideways! I laugh! Hahahaha!

So the bus back to Halifax leaves at 10:35 am daily, eh? And that's when the last workshop started. I didn't want to miss the last workshop, no sir, so I decided to quest after the announcements lady, Wendy, to see if she could ask the crowd if anyone could give me a ride back to Halifax afterwards. Alas, Wendy got a Holy Spirit sledgehammer last evening, like one of those things you never really forget. No way I wanted to interrupt that. Therefore, I gave her the announcement this morning, but the morning worship etc. just wasn't looking like it was going to wrap up in time for me to catch the bus if I had to. I don't know if you could really call it an anxiety attack, but I was sitting there, could hardly breathe, felt nauseated, wanted to bolt out of the gymnasium and run headlong to the bus stop/gas station.

Definitely an attack of some kind, I decided. We've been going on practically the whole conference about how God provides, so I sat tight and focused on the moment some more and attempted to avoid hyperventilating. My mind was free enough, at least, to be able to focus on some of the proceedings as well as wonder why on earth this was happening to me. I'm not really anxious like that by nature at all... I tend to dwell on things and worry, but getting worked up like this... So I just decided to hang in there. Wendy almost forgot to make the announcement, so I waved my hands in the air until she saw me and remembered. Someone a few rows back responded right away, and so I'm going to meet them at the Tim's in town at 3:00. Honestly. I had nothing to worry about at all and I knew that perfectly well. Perhaps it was just a mini-test of seeing how much of my reliance I could transfer over to God in the space of a moment. It's a lot easier for things like money for school and issues that are distant in the future; this one sneaked up on me and bit down hard.

Done a lot of drawing... dallying... musing... although I didn't get quite so much time to do nothing in particular as I would have liked, but that's all right. I had enough, considering. All in all, this conference was organised very well. Surprisingly well. Everything ran so smoothly... the admin people must have loved to see that all of their hard work paid off. Also, there was sort of a send-off for Gary and Joy Best, as they're taking a four or five month sabbatical now.

Oh, and if you (whomever you may be) ever get the chance to hear Mike Pilavachi speak, go. The man is an absolute riot.

Now... I feel sleepy... but I got a good sleep last night. I would have slept right through except for the one fifteen-minute interruption. That thunderstorm was LOUD. You can always tell when the lightning's right above you when you hear the sort of sound that's like a combination of thick river ice breaking with a gunshot... not too many muffled, rolling booms of thunder in comparison. That shut the crows up. Heh heh heh. As I wasn't tenting like some others (which must have been somewhat nasty), I lay there and loved it for all the quarter of an hour that I was awake. Oh, and today's breakfast was french toast, made with a heavy, almost Easter-type orange bread. I mean orangy in colour, and with the flavour as well. We had it with strawberries. I want more now... so gooooood...



Entry the Second

Well... yesterday was a little too busy what with the transfer from one B&B to another, as well as the first full day of the conference, and then today I try returning to The Biscuit Eater only to find it closed, as they apparently are every Tuesday (which I found odd - why not Monday?). So I go over to the Cheesecake Gallery, which I had been told also had a hotspot, only to find that closed as well. I asked around and no one else in town seems to have a public hotspot, so here I am in the Saltspray Café, estranged from network.

Oooh, feel the drama.

Oh, well. I'll just type this up today and pop it into the blog tomorrow.

Yesterday began bright and early with the alarm sounding at 7:15 (which translates to 5:15 for my Manitoban brain), and I had a nice breakfast with the Nisbetts, who had just arrived sometime on Sunday for the conference as well. They were vegetarians, Carol (our host at Pleasant Dreams) told me, so I opted for a tomato omelette just in case bacon would put them off of breakfast. Then I showered quickly before shoving all my stuff back into the suitcase to take off to Three Thistles before the morning worship started at 9:00. The workshops started at 10:30; I opted into the one called Wonder of Words (you must be Wondering Why), since we were limited to one option. I did want to go to the one about missions as well, but y'know. Priorities. Anyway, this particular workshop, or Focused Interaction Group as the leaders insisted on saying (which brought about lots of puns about figs), was evidently the right choice. Yesterday we did some exercises on metaphors, and today we wrote about a still life the leader had set up as well as a writeup on some event or place from our memory that involved all five senses, not just sight, as most are prone to using sight exclusively in a description without realising it. I'd worked past this issue already, since Tiana and I had engaged ourselves in a mahvellous little exploration of a character we had stricken blind. Heh heh heh. Quite on purpose. This exercise was fun anyway, since I chose the event in which I fell backwards off of a trampoline and got winded in the process. I can't remember how long ago that was, but it's still quite vivid...

Bed & breakfast beds always seem just a little too hard. Either that, or quite rather too hard. Even the ones we visited as a family when we were travelling between BC and MB.

I haven't gotten a straight night's sleep since I arrived here. I've woken up two to four times per night for no immediately apparent reason, both at Pleasant Dreams and Three Thistles. Lots of dreams, none distinctly pleasant that I can remember, just the usual weirdness. But that's okay. I feel rested enough, even if I'm still acting oddly. Bonus with Three Thistles, though, is that the bed in the room Chanterelle, where I'm in, is a queen, whereas the beds in Pleasant Dreams were singles. And also rather high off the ground. I was wondering if I'd wake up on the floor sometime, but I never did end up rolling off.

Anyway, back to Monday. After the workshops were over (about 12:30), this chowder lunch thingie was taking place in the fire/bingo hall for us. I arrived somewhat early since our workshop was a bit quicker to wrap up than some others, got my chowder (oh so good chowder... yummmmmmmmmmm), and sat down. A little while later, a girl whom I guess to be roughly my own age, probably one or two older from what I deduced during the conversation, sat down across from me and the rest of lunch passed quickly as we started talking it up right away and hardly stopped. Very easy to talk with. She introduced herself as Ruth, from the Guelph Vineyard in Ontario, and I met a couple of her friends who came over to sit with us as well.

On an unrelated note, my caesar salad just arrived. Mmm. For the uninformed, I have this thing with sampling caesar salads almost everywhere I go. This one is good.

Back to Monday lunch. I mentioned in the conversation that I was going to have to rely on the bus ride back to Halifax to catch my plane, and therefore I would have to miss the last workshop. Lo and behold, Ruth said she thought her family had an extra seat in their rented vehicle, and they were going to be driving into Halifax to catch their 3:00 pm plane, so she told me she'd ask her parents if I could hitch a ride instead of taking the bus in which leaves at 10:35 in the morning. Woo! So if that works, that'll definitely be nice. I'll have to see.

After that, I went and crashed at Three Thistles. Sorta. I just sort of lay there in a half-asleep state, then got up to head back over to the conference's evening stuff at 6:00, and returned at around 10. Stuff ensued which I think I shall keep to myself. I've been making use of the drawing book I got recently, anyhow. It's so much easier to draw as worship. Ideas flow so much better, and it obviously feels a lot more rewarding to draw for God than myself. This morning was also good in that way...

Anyhow, I dropped by the liquor store on the way back to the B&B. No, no, don't get any ideas. I just wanted a breezer to help get myself cooled off. And also because they are good. I saw little bottles of Newfie screech by the counter and picked it up to take a look. It's imported from Jamaica, apparently, which struck me as curious. But I can make a return trip if anyone lets me know they want some Nova Scotia Jamaican Newfie screech. I bet they don't sell that combination at home.

When I returned to the B&B, however, I found myself in a situation. As soon as I sat down on the bed and pulled the breezer out of the long, skinny brown paper bag, I realised: I had no bottle opener, and the cap on the breezer was most assuredly not a twist cap.


I sat there in thought for a moment before looking around the room to see if anything offered itself to assist me. Fat chance. I took the little red repair kit thing to open it up and see if a bottle opener had magically appeared inside it somewhere along the way. No dice.

I can just hear your probable thought now: Why doesn't she just go and ask for a bottle opener? Is it really that hard?

Well, really. I travelled to Nova Scotia for the first time by myself just to ask for a stupid bottle opener? Not a chance. Where's the fun in that, anyway?

The shoulder strap that could clip onto my laptop bag had metal rings on either end that were rectangular in nature, and so I tried my luck with these, attempting to pry the cap off. But they weren't wide enough to give me the leverage I needed. Foiled again, I sat back on the bed to think some more, then I went and took the glass bottle I'd brought along, which still was half-filled with cranberry grape juice. The juice itself did not interest me at the moment, however. I pounded the hapless little cap with the bottom of the bottle, just hard enough to dent it nicely, then tried again with the metal rings on the bag's shoulder strap, and this time I won (note the dented cap and emptiness of bottle).

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The following pictures will probably only be funny to those who are fairly well-acquainted with typical internet abbreviations and/or chatspeak. I was only disappointed that it wasn't LOL Atlantic instead, but I'll live.

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In my wanderings back from Saltspray Café (yes, that's right, I got back to the B&B without you finding out... hah! I'm so good!), I discovered a chocolate shop.

Oh noes.

I exerted wonderful self-control, however, and only bought two little chocolates (which were locally made) and four of those candy stick things (not locally made - apparently they came from Pennsylvania). The chocolates had filling... one of them was mocha and the other peanut butter.

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I don't think it will take any great stretch of the imagination to figure out why the chocolates and one of the candy sticks are not present in the picture. Alas that the chocolate would melt on the way home if I tried bringing some along. But I can't say that I'm sorry I couldn't share them. X3

That was a smug grin, for the unaware.

Oh, yes. I almost forgot. Rik Berry was of course doing his thing... there's a painting of a ship I have yet to take a picture of, but here's what he did the first night, explaining that the guy in the picture doubled as a match that's just being lit. Yes, the matchhead is his rear end. Sans the funny bit, though, this painting's great.

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Also, last evening during the worship circle thing that went until 10:00, they had some instruments that anyone could use, the majority of them being percussion instruments of one kind or another. I found a drummish... type... thing... Well, whatever it was, it made a cool sound. So after doing a little drawing, I joined into the pulsating beat and got a little enthusiastic. This thing happens only once every four years, you know? The bruise doesn't hurt that much today, though.

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Okay... it's 5:36. Just about time to wrap this up. Good, because I was running out of things to ramble about anyway. Well, not really. I just remembered some others, but that's all right. I'll have a number of hours in the airport tomorrow either way to fill in the blanks as I see fit.


Sunday, July 30, 2006

Entry the First

Before I start rambling:

Greetings and salutations to the family! Alas that I couldn't make it to the summer gathering today... I hope you guys will be able to figure everything out without me. Distressing concept, I know, but don't worry. Maybe I'll look for a nice postcard or something.

Perhaps I shall start from the beginning... It is widely recognised as one of the best places to start by the well-rested and insomniacs alike.

Here I am in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. There are almost no bugs. (gasp)

For those unaware, I'm here for the Vineyard '06 conference thingie, which technically hasn't started yet even though I've been here since last evening.

I wonder if I'll get enough time to change this cookie cutter blog template to how I want it.

Here's what I wrote down near the end of me travels yesterday:

No hotspots here. Oh, well. No surprise there. It's currently 2:24 ET and I'm sitting here in Halifax's VIA Rail station, which doubles as the bus depot. Maybe I'll post this up on the blog later.

My brain is doing surprisingly well, considering I got all of two and a half hours of sleep this last night. Still wiiiiiiiide awake! Bet that isn't going to last through tomorrow. Heh heh heh. Good thing I'll have time for a nap (and/or time to wander).

The flights went well... Air Canada was nicer overall than I previously remembered, but the last time I flew with them was... um... well, I was little. I wonder if the change over the years has had anything to do with the constant looming threat that is WestJet. I'd like to think so, because the thought is amusing. As it turned out, I rode the exact same plane from Toronto to Halifax as the one that took me from Winnipeg to Toronto. The CN Tower looks fascinating yet puny from the air, contrasting to when one's up inside it. There was some pretty good scenery as far as clouds went, too. I got a window seat both times (w00t) as per my request, I do believe. I think I might have caught as much as the first half of V For Vendetta between Toronto and Halifax. I found it to be rather fascinating... I think I'll have to watch the rest sometime.

The Toronto airport, while not seeming quite as large as the one in Minneapolis, is nevertheless big.

The Halifax airport is not.

The ground looked more reddish than I'm used to from the air, which wasn't a huge surprise. It was evident on the gravel roads that we flew over, as well as some of the paved areas, and I saw it all over the airport's tarmac and the sidewalks in Halifax. From what I saw of the brief cruise through the city on the way to this station, it has a distinctly European feel to it (no surprise there, either). I loved it... it's got charm. Charm is the right word. The houses all look different from what I'm used to seeing in Winnipeg, as well. It's all Maritimey. Is that a word? No? Well, it is now. Bwaaa.

So since I can't really see any power outlets around here to hook up my adapter to, I guess I'll cut it off here for now. To be continued, rather.

There you have it. I did end up finding an outlet a short time later anyways, and watched a little bit of The Pink Panther, which I had brought along with me just in case I needed to burn time. In the above case, I had four and a half hours to burn. It was luvverly. No, I'm serious. I like hanging around with nothing in particular to do. Maybe it's just me...

Anyways, I've secured a few pictures so far... not too many, but you'll have to be happy with what you get for now. I went to the Trinity United Church this morning at eleven (which is on my to-take-a-picture-of list, among other items of interest), and thus my point & click session outside was interrupted rather early, though I did get a bit of wandering in anyhow. Here's a stream of what I got thus far.

I was in the cemetary just before I went off to church, and found this sign out at the front. I just forgot to take a shot of the metalwork on top... alas. Anyway, the text here serves as a mini history lesson of the area, as well.

Hey, there's someone else who just sat down in here. Looks like she's got a Mac of her own. A 12" PowerBook, I'd guess... See? I fit in here already.

Oh, right. Where I am right now... um... Biscuit something. Oh, yes. The Biscuit Eater. They have an amusing sign out front that I'll have to take a shot of on the way out. Cozy in here... they've got some used books, too. I'll have to be careful, or I'll run out of packing space on the way home. (shifty eyes) I'm rambling. Despite my relatively decent sleep last night (all considered), my brains still feel rather fried. I probably won't be writing with any higher level of sanity while I'm here, though, because I just like this place way too much.

Oh, yeah, and I tried getting a video clip down, but I think YouTube had an issue with the file, because it delayed the audio by a handful of seconds so it's all messed up and confusing. I'll take a few clips later sans narration, p'raps.

And now there's someone who's playing a didgeridoo... or making a brave attempt, at any rate... I could sit here for ages and just watch the activity. But sooner or later I shall have to get up and go get registered for the Vineyard event stuff. I wonder if Pastor Doft & Co. are heading out from Halifax yet...

More later. Ta!