Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Entry the Fourth

I made it just fine to the airport after all. Clearly, Jason & Judy (the couple who offered me a lift) have an awesomeness to be reckoned with. I found out on the way that they like Star Wars, love Lord of the Rings, and while Judy has her reservations (from the plague of over-quotation), Jason does like Monty Python as well. We had a nice little geek-off on the way to the airport, and I told them the bad joke about the lawyer and his Lexus. They left me with their email address and phone number (home as well as cell, just in case I had plane trouble), and told me I should feel free to drop by whenever I'm in Mississauga next. Well, Toronto, I guess, but the Toronto airport is actually in Mississauga (they said they lived an hour away from the airport). But honestly, who's to know? Apart from the roadsigns, I'd have no idea I was driving from one city to the next in southern Ontario. It's all one big suburb... I told them I'd see if I had time to water their plants during my layover.

So here I am at this hotspot, where the service company Aliant seems to be making a very big deal that they're offering/sponsoring it. Or something to that effect. They even made my browser start up on a nice little page that warned me I might be offensive content on the internet, but said content would certainly not have any connections whatsoever with Aliant. Whew. Glad they made that clear.

The highways around here are really badly marked for the most part... it's all so confusing with the lack of signs and the twisting roads, though most of the ones I passed over today were in fact better than most I regularly travel on in MB, despite my earlier comment. Also, Halifax's airport seems bigger this time, but I still have my doubts it's bigger than Winnipeg's. Everyone in NS has been so nice, though... I don't really want to leave. Sure, I won't mind being back home, but I felt more at home in Mahone Bay as soon as I got there than I can regularly remember feeling back in my actual hometown. It was suggested to me that this was an effect of the conference, which I might have considered if it wasn't for the fact that I very rarely feel at home during any conference; quite the contrary, really.

Oh, and this is also my big opportunity to look like a yuppie, typing away on my PowerBook with an iced mocha from Starbucks. But seriously, there was a Starbucks right beside my gate. What was I supposed to do in this heat? Bwahahaha. I guess this would make me a mock-yuppie geek. It's somewhat fun...

Boarding starts in... lessee... about 10-15 minutes. So I guess I'll pack up in a little while. Looks like I'm going to be on a larger plane this time; I checked out the seating plans on the electronic check-in thingie, and unlike the last plane which had two columns of double seats, the first one has the two columns of two with a column of three down the middle. I can't remember the last plane that size I was on, if I ever was at all. But a plane's a plane, and it doesn't really make that big of a difference.



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